Money Recovered In-between The Laps Of A Housemaid

Everyday, it
is said, is for the thief but one day is for the owner of the house came into
reality in the life of a certain housemaid who was well taken Care of and
treated almost as the member of the family.

According to a Facebook user, the housemaid has been stealing so

much from the madam who happens to be a sister to the Facebook

When it was decided that they will use extra measures to determine the source
of the disappearance of the money, the housemaid decided to flee the house.

After planning how to leave the house without the notice of her madam, she in
an unusual manner became friends with the gate man to aid her escape but the
man was uncooperative and on the day she decided to run, the gate man caught her
and reported her to the madam who then told her to present all the money she's
been stealing.

After denying never  taking a penny from the house, the woman and the
neighbors insisted that she is undressed and when it happened, a large amount
of money was found in - between her laps.

our girls need to understand that men are scarce, hence, good name and
character is also a criteria for selecting a wife now.  

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