OMG!!! UK scientist are working on making babies from 2 women and 1 man

A group of scientists in the UK have been given the go-ahead to carry out a treatment
that will make it possible for babies to be made from two women and a
man.  The UK's fertility regulator, the Human Fertilisation and Embryo
Authority, gave the green light to the technique in December 2016 and
has now agreed to its use by a clinic at Newcastle University.

The technique is known as mitochondrial donation, the in vitro
fertilization technique involves replacing faulty mitochondria inherited
from the mother with the healthy mitochondria of another woman as a way
of preventing mitochondrial disease from being passed on to a child. 
Sally Cheshire, the fertility regulator's chair, announced the approval

"I can confirm today that the HFEA has approved the first application by
Newcastle Fertility at Life for the use of mitochondrial donation to
treat patients'.

Patients will now be able to apply individually to the HFEA to undergo
mitochondrial donation treatment at Newcastle, which will be
life-changing for them, as they seek to avoid passing on serious genetic
diseases to future generations. The facility will now need to apply to
conduct the process on a case-by-case basis.

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