Seriously!!! 55-year-old Man Surprises his 18-year-old wife With Bentley worth £830,000

Valentin Romanov a
55-year-old oil tycoon, bought his teenage wife of 18, Elizaveta
Adamenko a sweet white Bentley estimated to cost about £830,000.


The Oil tycoon who heads the Singapore office of state-owned Russian
oil company Lukoil got married to his teenage lover in July at the
French Cote d’Azur.

The stunning teenage bride was pictured showing off her new white Bentley Continental GT V8.


According to reports, the couple started dating more than three years
ago after the teenage beauty left her hometown in Kansk, Siberia.


But there was no case of child abuse as the Russian publication,
Prospekt Mira confirmed that the age of sexual consent in Russia as well
as in Singapore where the couple live is 16 years.


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