Simplest way to get rid of tan

How to get rid of tan

The four tried-and-tested ways to reverse the sun damage on the skin. Make good use of them!

The Fantastic Four - For the Sun Exposed Face!

1. The Gram-Yogurt Mask: Mix 1/2 Cup of Gram flour with 3-4 tablespoons of plain cold yogurt, and mix well to create a smooth paste. Apply all over the face, avoiding the eyes, and other areas exposed to the sun. Let the paste dry for around 10-15 minutes, until it starts to harden on the face, and then rinse off with water. Pat dry your face with a towel. Believe me, you will see the glow instantly! Using this gram-yogurt mask at least once a week will ensure that your skin is regularly healed of the sun damage. 

2. Tomato Pulp Mask: Tomato Pulp is a great way to restore the youthful glow on your skin. Although I am not a fan of raw tomatoes in my food, I do enjoy the benefits of applying it on the skin. Simply squeeze the pulp of a a big, fresh tomato, and apply it over the sun exposed parts. Rinse off after 15 minutes. The pulpy goodness works wonders to remove sun damage, and also, when used over regularly, helps avoid the appearance of fine wrinkles on the skin.

3. Aloe Vera Pulp: Aloe Vera's benefits have been recognized well by the beauty industry, and it has become a much used ingredient in beauty products, but in my experience, the benefits of using the raw pulp of Aloe Vera has been far more effective in treating my sun tan than using a product where Aloe Vera is just one of multiple ingredients. One very big plus of applying Aloe Vera gel is that it acts like your own mini air conditioner! Just apply the gel on the skin and lie down under the fan, the gel has an astounding cooling effect on the skin, and does a great job of keeping you cool and refreshed, even on the hottest of summer days!

4. Milk Cream and Turmeric: A paste made of milk cream and a pinch or two of turmeric is a great way to not only remove sun tan over time, but also to treat dry skin. Apply the paste for around 10 minutes, and rinse off with water.The milk cream moisturizes the skin really well, without making it feel greasy. A word of warning though - this remedy is more suited for people with dry skin, as the moisture in the cream might not be such a good idea for someone with an oily skin.

Where to Buy: Facial Care,
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How to get rid of tan

Source: Natural Way Blog

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