Shocking!!! 230 fake pharmacies closed in Lagos today

Shocking!!! 230 fake pharmacies closed in Lagos today

Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria has taken a bold
step to remove the fake pharmacists from the system. ACPN, has announced
the closure of about 230 pharmacies in Lagos state, insisting that the
exercise will continue to stop these fake people that can kill with
their medicine.

The Vice Chairman of ACPN Lagos State, Mr. Obideyi Olabanji said
during the commemoration of the World Pharmacy Day in Lagos recently,
 even though the association does not have the legal backup to carryout
operation on these fake pharmacies, it serves as spies to the
pharmacists council, who carries out the operation.

According to him, the number of pharmacies closed down in Lagos was
just a tip of the ice berg compared to the several fake pharmacies in
the State, adding that the operation will be a continues exercise.

As part of efforts to commemorate the day, he said the association
organised a free health screening for 500 residents of Eti –Osa LCDA,
which would help in reducing health issues among residents.

Calling attention of Nigerians to their health status, he said
regular screening will help in preventing diseases. “When people know
their health status, they can prevent diseases".

He further explained that the job of the pharmacist was beyond
prescribing drugs, adding that a good pharmacist should also check his
patient from time to time.

“Pharmacist today do more than just giving drug. In the area of
dispensing drugs to patient we ensure that they get full benefits of our
services, such as counselling on responsible drug usage, among others".

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